Take a Daily Adventure with Alissia!

Alissia won the LCC Banner competition.
We are so proud of Alissia in Year 4 who entered a Leicestershire County Council competition to design a banner encouraging families to leave the car at home or park safely away from school and cycle, walk or scoot the last part of their journey, reducing congestion and promoting healthy travel.
Alissia only went and WON!! Whoop Whoop! Well done Alissia!
The prize was to have her Banner made into a full sized version which we are proudly displaying on our school railings. Due to the current COVID situation, the Team at County Hall were unfortunately unable to come into school to tell her the exciting news in person, but they did send her a very special video: https://youtu.be/lnsApN3vXzs
Alissia you have most definitely achieved Superstar Status, and we are super proud of you! Well done!