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Together we learn, play and grow.

Welcome to New Swannington Primary School - a message from Mrs Ramsell

I am delighted to welcome you all to our school community!  As Head Teacher, it is both an honour and a privilege to lead such a wonderful and vibrant school, where we strive to nurture every child's potential and foster a love for learning.

At our school, we believe in providing a warm, supportive, and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and safe.  Our dedicated staff work tirelessly to ensure that your child not only receives an excellent education but also grows in confidence, kindness and resilience.

We see our relationship with you, as parents and guardians, as a vital partnership.  Your involvement and support are key to your child’s success, and we look forward to working closely with you to create a positive and enriching experience for your children.  

As a school, we are committed to academic excellence, personal growth, and the development of key life skills.  We aim to inspire curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking in every student, while also helping them to become responsible and compassionate members of society.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. Together, we can ensure that they have a successful and fulfilling journey as together we learn, play and grow.

Judy Ramsell

September 2024