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Maths Lead - Mrs Palumbo

At New Swannington, we use Power Maths as a basis of our maths lesson. This is an exciting class mastery approach, which has been recommended by the DfE, that works for every child.  It is based upon the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. 

Every lesson is divided into sections that involve plenty of discovery, sharing, collaboration, practice and reflection. Children are encouraged to solve problems each day through the use of concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract thinking.  

At the heart of this programme is the idea that all children can achieve and be successful mathematicians with the right growth mindset.  It promotes five child friendly characters, each with their own positive skillset, to inspire and motivate children.  These characters are:




We have adopted these characters within school as our characteristics of a mathematician. Keep an eye out for our characters all around our school environment. 

Please feel free to contact me via the school office if you have any questions about the teaching of maths or would like any further support.

EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 are continuing the Mastery Number Programme alongside Power Maths.

Meet Our Maths Ambassadors 

We have two maths ambassadors from our Year 5 class. Their main role is to promote maths across the school and to work closely with the maths lead.

I am Angel and I have a love for maths. I look forward to all my maths lessons, but I really enjoy doing fractions. I am looking forward to introducing maths challenges for the children to complete and helping in the after school maths club.

I am Lily and I like maths because it can help me when I leave New Swannington and in my future career. I love doing long multiplication and division. I also enjoy the challenges my teacher sets me. I am looking forward to helping Mrs Palumbo in the whole school maths assemblies.